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Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps

Results 292 Detox issues
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### What happened? After upgrading `react-native` to version `0.68.2` from `0.63.4`, the tests fail. The built application works. The error that is thrown by the tests is: ``` DetoxRuntimeError: Failed...

type: bug 🐞
platform: android
status: triage

### What happened? About 50% of the time Detox iOS fails with the following error: ``` 15:18:10.143 detox[7891] WARN: [DetoxConnection.js/ERROR, #50663] Action dispatched too early, there is no session to...

type: bug 🐞
platform: ios
status: triage

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I just added a new package ( an it became tedious to specify everywhere `launchApp` is specified `{ permissions: {...

type: enhancement ⚡️
📌 pinned
status: accepted

## Description Additional fixes on top of the [original pr]( Resolves Resolves **Implemented only for Android.** 1. Improve APK install time by: * taking a hash of the...

### Describe your idea #### Support regular expression in Detox matchers Specifically in `by.text()`, `by.label()`. This can be useful since text and labels may include dynamic content (e.g. date). Also,...

type: enhancement ⚡️
📌 pinned
platform: ios
platform: android
status: accepted

### Describe your idea Following up on and which implemented the ability to change language between tests on iOS. Would be great to have the same functionality also...

type: enhancement ⚡️
📌 pinned
platform: android
status: triage

### Describe your idea Hello, While following the docs to setup an AOSP emulator, I noticed the sdkmanager path was outdated. Previous: $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager New: $ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager Have a nice day!

type: enhancement ⚡️
status: triage

### What happened? The context here is that I am trying to enable existing tests running on iOS emulators to run on Android emulators. I have followed all of the...

type: bug 🐞
platform: android
status: triage

### What happened? I used the following code for launchapp: ``` await device.launchApp({ permissions: {notifications: 'YES', location: 'inuse'}, launchArgs: { detoxEnableSynchronization: 0 } }); ``` To get around an animation...

type: bug 🐞
platform: android
status: triage

Improve usability of Detox' CLI by offering an autocompletion script. One good example is the autocompletion of configs names.

type: enhancement ⚡️
📌 pinned
domain: ux
status: triage