react-native-keyboard-input copied to clipboard
#import <React/RCTViewManager.h> not found
Hi i follow the same steps properly but going to find this error.
Hello , is any one found this issue, please help me i am on stuck on this issue
i encountered the same problem using react native 0.62.2
Hi @Parthhyperlink and @foufrix,
We are in the process of migrating this library, it is not yet complete, but if you'd like you can give it a try.
After installing simply:
import {Keyboard} from 'react-native-ui-lib';
And use any of the following:
const KeyboardAccessoryView = Keyboard.KeyboardAccessoryView;
const KeyboardUtils = Keyboard.KeyboardUtils;
const KeyboardRegistry = Keyboard.KeyboardRegistry;
Please let me know if I can (a) close this issue. (b) you are not able to use our lib, and I'll try to take a look further.
@M-i-k-e-l hey there! experiencing this same issue - I would really like to avoid using react-native-ui-lib since this is for a work project, and it's more than twice the size of react-native-keyboard-input.
is there any way to only use the Keyboard part of the ui lib?
Hi @annie-elequin,
It seems that we (@ethanshar) have got you covered: next release (5.12.0) should include this feature.
Simply use react-native-ui-lib/keyboard
For more details see this PR.
I hope that will work for you :)
@M-i-k-e-l YAY thank you!!
I add header search path "$(SRCROOT)/../../../ios/Pods/Headers/Public/React-Core" "$(SRCROOT)/../../../ios/Pods/Headers/Public/Yoga" in Build Setting of KeyboardTrackingView. it work for me