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Astro actions make it easy to define and call backend functions with type-safety.
// src/actions/index.ts
import { defineAction, z } from "astro:actions";
export const server = {
like: defineAction({
// accept json
input: z.object({ postId: z.string() }),
handler: async ({ postId }, context) => {
// update likes in db
return likes;
// src/components/Like.tsx
import { actions } from "astro:actions";
import { useState } from "preact/hooks";
export function Like({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0);
return (
onClick={async () => {
const newLikes = await{ postId });
{likes} likes
Does this require View Transitions to be enabled like for form data processing?
I want every bit of this for StudioCMS....
@rishi-raj-jain Not at all! We are targeting client components to show how JS state management could work. But forms are callable from an form
element with or without view transitions. Let me know if this section addresses that concern:
@bholmesdev Will this be available for SSG at all, or is it just Hybrid/SSR?
@jdtjenkins Ah, good thing to note. Since actions allow you define backend handlers, you'll need a server adapter with output: 'hybrid'
. You can keep all your existing routes static with that output
My turn to bikeshed you. getNameProps
is a bit of a confusing name to me. Would getInputProps
work better?
@ascorbic That's fair! I agree that's a better name, happy to use it.
@ascorbic Thinking it over, went with getActionProps()
. Thought it paired nicely with Astro.getActionResult()
to retrieve the return value.
Hey @bholmesdev, it's me back again to make sweeping criticisms about one of your big proposals again 😁 (I'm the one who got you to vendor Zod back when you were working on content collections). Also, sorry for being so late to submit on this - I only just found out about this proposal from the 4.8 release!
Reading through the proposal, I noticed almost every example uses the onSubmit
event of the form and then cancels the actual submit event. The use of JavaScript is understandable for many use cases, but it lacks a nice API for submitting actions without JS. This functionality is already very possible using an API route and regular form submissions. It might drive some people to use JS when they don't really need to since there isn't an obvious API for doing form submissions without it. In that light, adding an elegant path to JS-free forms through the actions API would be nice, even if it isn't a main goal.
Here's the single example of how to implement actions without JS:
import { actions, getActionProps } from 'astro:actions';
export function Comment({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
return (
<form method="POST" onSubmit={...}>
<input {...getActionProps(actions.comment)} />
{/* result:
value="/_actions/comment" />
It seems like a bit of an afterthought, to be honest, which doesn't really fit with Astro's whole 'Ship less JS' thing, and I hope we can all agree that <input {...getActionProps(actions.comment)} />
looks pretty ugly.
My understanding is that under the hood, Astro sees the _astroAction
field and rewrites the request to go to an action handler. If that's the case, why not make this a first-class behaviour? Provide another function, say getActionURL(actions.whatever)
, that just returns the path to the action handler. Then you can pass that string into the action
attribute of a <form>
element. This eliminates the jankiness of <input {...getActionProps(actions.comment)} />
while still allowing full client-side JS control when wanted and helps guide people not to use JS when they don't need to.
import { actions, getActionURL } from 'astro:actions';
export function Comment({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
return (
<form method="POST" action={getActionURL(actions.comment)} onSubmit={...}>
{/* Regular form goes here */}
Some people wanted something similar to this that involved directly importing actions with import attributes, but it seems like that wasn't viable. This seems like a nice middle ground, where you still (kinda) pass the handler to the action
prop, and it seems much more possible: it's just a simplification of getActionProps(...)
Also, the rest of the proposal looks great. I can't wait to have a play with some Actions!
@zadeviggers Form support was not an afterthought, it was the biggest part of the design and why the feature didn't ship sooner. An API like the one you're suggesting was considered but it's incomplete. What happens on the server-side after an action is executed? How do you redirect to a different page? How do you handle validation errors? @bholmesdev went through a few different designs to try and make all of those things possible but it came at the cost of making the action code much more complex.
The getActionProps
design is nice because the form is submitted to whatever action=""
you put in, and you are able to handle redirects / errors, etc all yourself in a normal Astro page. It gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, while keeping the Action API more a pure function-like interface.
That said, this RFC is still open so we can talk about other approaches.
Thanks for the overview @matthewp. Actually, I would not consider the action
suggestion incomplete! An alternative may be to pass a ?queryParam
from his proposed getActionUrl()
. This lets us use the same middleware strategy for retrieving the action result from frontmatter. We could also allow some sort of prefix
parameter if you want to reroute the POST to another page.
This isn't perfect though. The main reason for a hidden input over this was challenges with React 19. When using actions in React, they own the action
property when you pass a function:
<form action={}>
But now, how can we add a fallback? React stubs action
to an empty field now. I am working with the React core team to see if we can control the server-rendered action
to avoid this somehow. To be honest, I prefer your API to getActionProps()
, so I would like to see this.
@bholmesdev I'm not sure I understand. If the action
attribute points to the Action then the action needs to be able to do redirects and other things. Where does that code live?
@matthewp Well I should clarify: the action would NOT be a URL. It would be a query param to re-request the current page.
<form action={}>
<!--output: ?_actionName=like-->
This does the same work as passing a hidden _actionName
input from my understanding
Oh ok, I understand now. I still like getActionProps
better than this idea. When I see <form action={}>
I expect that the request goes directly to the action. That it actually posts to the current page would be unexpected. Also, I might want to direct the request to another page, with getActionProps
I can do that by setting action="/other-page"
, but with this new idea it's not clear at all how to do that.
So I think this trades away flexibility for a subjective aesthetic gain only.
@matthewp To address your flexibility concern, we can add an optional parameter to the function to specify a different path for it to submit to. I don't think this will come up super often, though, since people will probably just do all their handling in the action, and then rewrite to the page they want to render.
@bholmesdev I really like the
idea over a whole extra function. To address @matthewp's concern, it could be a function instead: <form action={* optional path */)>
I think I agree with both Zade and Matthew here. I also like the* optional pathname */)
suggestion (works similar to action={undefined}
submitting to the current page).
The big advantage I can see over an extra hidden <input>
is that developers can and will leave it out if it works without it (on their machines with high-speed internet and JS available). Progressive enhancement should ideally work by default, rather than being "opt-in".
I've been toying around with actions the past week and I like it a lot, especially now that it works on the server side. ❤️
Speaking of progressive enhancement, would it be possible to return the values of FormData through the action, based on the schema? With a default form submission and no JS to prevent the reload, the values the user entered are lost after submission.
Does/will Astro have an opinionated way to re-sync backend data back with the UI after an action has been run?
I'm thinking like how in Next.js Server Actions they provide revalidatePath
and revalidateTag
functions. Is there an Astro equivalent?
(BTW I love how Astro is shaping up, I'm having a lot of fun tinkering)
I've been experimenting with this API and enjoying it, especially the JavaScript-less option that is much cleaner than my old manual implementation. However, at the moment I can't use it with @astrojs/cloudflare
, since it uses the node:async-hooks
module, which isn't supported by the Cloudflare runtime. The error I receive is:
[ERROR] [vite] x Build failed in 105ms
[commonjs--resolver] [plugin vite:resolve] Cannot bundle Node.js built-in "node:async_hooks" imported from "node_modules/astro/dist/actions/runtime/store.js". Consider disabling ssr.noExternal or remove the built-in dependency.
The Cloudflare runtime does support some Node APIs, but async-hooks
isn't one of them. Would it be possible to re-implement whatever functionality this provides without using Node.js, so that Cloudflare users don't miss out on the new API? Or is it something that the Cloudflare adapter can change to be compatible?
@Southpaw1496 Its been a bit fiddly but i'm using actions with @astrojs/cloudflare
in my test repo here :
Sounds like you're missing a compatibility flag, check out my wrangler.toml. Hope it helps.
I've tried to access cookies inside the action handler as it seemed to be available on the TS side, but it has no effect over the request:
import { defineAction, z } from 'astro:actions'
import { THEME_CHOICES } from '~/constants'
export const server = {
toggleDarkMode: defineAction({
input: z.enum(THEME_CHOICES),
handler: (input, ctx) => {
console.log('actions toggleDarkMode', input)
if (input === 'system') {
} else {
ctx.cookies.set('theme', input)
Can anyone confirm if it's suposed to work or am I misguided?
@wesleycoder that could be a bug! I'll investigate
Love the feel of simplicity of use so far, but with complex objects the type safety is not completely correct yet.
For example if the handler returns a Date
the types indicate it will be correctly received client side, but it is serialized as a string instead because it's JSON. I'm not familiar enough with tRPC source code, but it seems this file is responsible for that mapping.
As part of that issue: would it be possible to configure a custom serializer like superjson
? tRPC recommends it to serialize complex objects like the previous Date example and receive the correct values, but it also increases the complexity of the types.
@bholmesdev I was looking again at my code after looking into this new post on Discord about this.
I noticed that passing the path
option to the cookie makes this work as expected
Updating my previous code it becomes:
import { defineAction, z } from ['astro:actions'](astro:actions)
import { THEME_CHOICES } from '~/constants'
export const server = {
toggleDarkMode: defineAction({
input: z.enum(THEME_CHOICES),
handler: (input, ctx) => {
console.log('actions toggleDarkMode', input)
if (input === 'system') {
ctx.cookies.delete('theme', { path: '/' })
} else {
ctx.cookies.set('theme', input { path: '/' })
Notice the same occurs for the cookies.delete
I believe this could help narrow down the issue for you, it seems related to default options behavior.
I added some comments/feedback to the previous stage e.g. and it looks like there are other more recent comments from others there as well after that one was closed.
I'll note here a few highlights
isInputError(..) issues
Importantly isInputError()
input types are too narrow and either it or another guard exported alongside it should accept input type unknown
to narrow to ActionInputError
. An example use-case and discussion explaining the importance of this is at the link.
While more minor I do feel fairly strongly about the misleading name of isInputError
and that type guards should be explicitly named what they check vs. something arbitrary (i.e. it should be named isActionInputError(..)
) this will benefit new developers learning the actions API and overall readability and maintainability of not just Astro but any apps written using it.
Please stop with the z's
Please stop exporting z
from everywhere under the sun in Astro (zod). There should only be one source. It is no more "convenient" especially with modern IDE's its confusing. It led me to believe the z
for actions might be special and I was informed it wasn't and that I wasn't the only one asking the question.
When devs use Astro and hit z
with autocomplete IDE they're faced with a growing wall of them and its not clear at all what the importance is (or the fact that it isn't.. unless I'm mistaken.. but then that's confusing too).
I get if you want to export the Astro version to help ensure versions of zod are consistent in a codebase, but this should only be done in one place, arguably the original place, and with the original explanation in the docs to go with it.
Now I read the actual code for isInputError
export function isInputError<T extends ErrorInferenceObject>(
error?: ActionError<T>
): error is ActionInputError<T> {
return error instanceof ActionInputError;
That's it! Not the safest of types but I'll take it and it also means its trivial to make it accept a broader type as input.
I can confirm that client-side useMutation()
onError callback (react-query) returns true
for this check.
const { isPending, mutateAsync } = useMutation(
mutationFn: actions.products.update,
onSuccess: (_data) => {
rqc.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: KEYS.products.all() })
onError: (error) => {
// the `error` is typed "Error" which is incompatible with `isInputError`
// confirming that this check returns `true` from client-side code
console.log(`there was an error and it is an actioninputerror: ${error instanceof ActionInputError}`)
Given that the type guard is so trivial I would lean towards nixing the type guard entirely and just documenting the if (error instanceof ActionInputError) {...}
because otherwise it obfuscates such a simple thing that's going on and makes for a bigger learning curve.
Its like ErrorInferenceObject
which is just an alias for Record<string, any>
it just adds detail and complexity and obfuscates ability to reason about types from Intellisense (and similar).
It seems the cookies issue is not restricted to the actions context as a similar post has been made on Discord. Should we open a new issue for that or is is already being handled somewhere I couldn't find?
Thanks for following up @wesleycoder! In hindsight, I should've suggested an issue instead of tracking myself. I knew I would be stepping away from actions for the following few weeks, sorry about that.
Since I said I'd take a look, my goal is to wake up tomorrow, get a cup of coffee, and try to PR a fix.
Haven't missed your comments @firxworx! All valid concerns here. There's some nuance to the API choices I could detail, but I'm not 100% sure on them. I'll take a second look to see what we can improve.
Missed your note on serializing complex objects @ernestoalejo. You're correct that we only allow JSON serializable inputs, though we don't document this in the RFC. We avoided superjson to keep the client-side of actions as lean as possible. Alternatives like devalue or seroval may offer the same utility in a smaller footprint. I agree dates are fairly common to send over the wire. Do you have a use case where this should be configurable by you (i.e. editing serialization options yourself)? Or would a global default that covers Dates be sufficient?