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Remove css print escape for experimentalStaticExtraction

Open bluwy opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments


Fix #502

I may be missing something big, but it doesn't seem like CSS needs to be escaped as it's not JS 🤔 I've removed it for CSS printing for static extraction


Added test to css.ts



bluwy avatar Aug 15 '22 14:08 bluwy

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changeset-bot[bot] avatar Aug 15 '22 14:08 changeset-bot[bot]

Needs a changeset.

matthewp avatar Aug 17 '22 14:08 matthewp

Note to future self: Test this locally with Astro, if not possible, cut a separate publish tag.

bluwy avatar Aug 17 '22 14:08 bluwy

@matthewp I linked this locally to the Astro tests, and only found one failing test. It seems to be incorrectly tested, so this PR should still be good.

  1) CSS
         Astro Styles
           HTML and CSS scoped correctly:
     AssertionError: expected '.linked-sass:where(.astro-ON5EH4HS){c…' to include '.blue:where(.astro-CXSJVMWR){color:#b…'
      at Context.<anonymous> (file:///Users/bjorn/Work/oss/astro/packages/astro/test/0-css.test.js:50:27)
      at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)
const expected = `.blue:where(.${scopedClass}){color:#b0e0e6}.color\\\\:blue:where(.${scopedClass}){color:#b0e0e6}.visible:where(.${scopedClass}){display:block}`;

The expected should check for \\ instead of \\\\. Can also confirm that before the bundled CSS isn't correct:


With this PR, it's:


bluwy avatar Aug 18 '22 08:08 bluwy