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[esnext] tsconfig.server.json remove "module":"commonjs" issue
Using commonjs, there is not isssue. Everything is working fine
I've spent the morning on this issue and I've created a sample to reproduce the issue:
When I remove the "module":"commonjs" from tsconfig.server.js
from tour of heroes
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "../out-tsc/app",
"baseUrl": "./",
//"module": "commonjs",
"types": []
It will use by default "esnext" module
and include a hello world wt-lazy and add it to the app.component.ts then npm run build:ssr
<wt-lazy [location]="helloLocation"
helloLocation = {
moduleId: 'wt-hello',
selector: 'app-hello'
imports: [
moduleId: 'wt-hello',
loadChildren: () => import('src/app/hello/hello.module').then(m => m.HelloModule)
under dist/server/
, i will find a file name hello-hello-module-ngfactory.js
If I run the server with node dist/server
I will get the following error
Running on the server with appId=tour-of-heroes
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
at __webpack_require__ (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:69485:30)
at Function.requireEnsure [as e] (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:69504
at Object.ɵ0 [as loadChildren] (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:69819:3
at ReactiveComponentLoader.<anonymous> (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js
at step (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:34967:23)
at Object.next (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:34948:53)
at C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:34941:71
at new ZoneAwarePromise (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:1068:33)
at __awaiter (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\server.js:34937:12)
at ReactiveComponentLoader._getModuleFactory (C:\dev\test\universal\dist\ser
For the moment, I have a solution using commonjs module nevertheless whenever you have time it will be good to be able to use 'esnext'
Thanks in advance
I'm using "@wishtack/reactive-component-loader": "^1.1.1",