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Rust For Web3 and Solana Development Encyclopedia 🌐 (WIP)

📚 Rust Web3 Solana

Maintenance License made-with-rust Jupyter Notebook

Welcome to the Rust Web3 Solana repository! This collection of Jupyter notebooks provides an extensive tutorial on using Rust for Solana development. I have compiled these resources while preparing for a senior blockchain & solana developer role interviews, aiming to create a hands-on tutorial for utilizing Rust in Solana development through Jupyter notebooks. This repository houses a wide range of topics covering web3 in general and Solana in particular.

📝 Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Tutorials
  • Contributing
  • Licence
  • Star History

🚀 Installation

To use the notebooks in this repository, you need to set up your environment. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies and libraries. Make sure you have Rust, Jupyter Notebook, and evcxr_jupyter installed on your system.

    # Install a Rust toolchain (e.g., nightly):
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain nightly
    # Install Jupyter Notebook
    pip install notebook
    # Install evcxr_jupyter
    cargo install evcxr_jupyter
    evcxr_jupyter --install	
  3. Navigate to the cloned repository:

    cd rust-web3-solana
  4. Start Jupyter Notebook:

    jupyter notebook
  5. Access the notebooks in your web browser by clicking on the notebook file you want to explore.

📌 Chapters

ID Title NB Pages Topics Open on GitHub Launch on Binder Launch on Colab Read PDF
1 Web3 Solana Basics 21+ - Cryptographic Key Pairs
- Digital Wallets
- Solana Accounts
- Smart Contracts
- Instructions and Transactions
- The Architecture of the Solana Blockchain
- Communicating with Solana through JSON RPC
- Proof of History (POH)
Github Binder Open In Colab nbviewer
2 Chapter 2: Deep Dive into OpenBook V1 on Solana 10+ - Central Limit Order Book (CLOB)
- OpenBook V1 Accounts
- Market Bids/Asks
- Market Event/Request Queues
- Placing Orders
- Open Orders Account
- Slab
- Order ID
- OpenBook Crate
Github Binder Open In Colab nbviewer
3 Chapter 3: Order Lifecycle on the OpenBook v1 Dex 9+ - Event Queues
- Order Matching Engine
- Order Placement and Cancellation
- Order Execution and Settlement
- Fee Calculation and Distribution
Github Binder Open In Colab nbviewer
4 Chapter 4: Understanding the Critbit Process in OpenBook v1 10+ - Crit-Bit Trees
- InnerNode Structure Operations
- LeafNode Structure Operations
- FreeNode Structure and Operations
- Other Critbit Operations
Github Binder Open In Colab nbviewer
5 Chapter 5: Deep Dive into OpenBook V2 Program 19 - OpenBook V2 Intro
- OpenBook V2 Core Components
- OpenBook V2 Central Limit Orderbook (CLOB)
- Order Matching and Execution
- Events Iteration and Processing
- Orders Tree Operations
Github Binder Open In Colab nbviewer

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions to enhance the Rust Web3 Solana repository! To contribute, please follow the file guidelines. Thank you for helping make this project better!

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT. For more details, You can refer to the LICENSE file.

📈 Star History

Star History Chart