wire-server-deploy copied to clipboard
Nginz Pod Error while installing demo wire-server through wire-server-deploy
Basic information
- On-premises: yes
- Cloud-Provider:AWS, GCP, none, etc.
- Installation type: demo
- Kubernetes version: <!-- version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.7", GitCommit:"1dd5338295409edcfff11505e7bb246f0d325d15", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-01-13T13:23:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}'
- Helm version: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.8.1", GitCommit:"5cb9af4b1b271d11d7a97a71df3ac337dd94ad37", GitTreeState:"", GoVersion:"go1.17.7"}
- Installed with Kubespray: yes
- (Helm) Charts version: 4.35.0'
- List of installed top-level charts: database-ephemeral, demo-smtp
- Other related technologies + version: Ansible, Helm, Terraform
What is the expected result?
nginz pod failing and crashing, in logs i have these things
kubectl logs nginz-cfd66dff6-hjccg error: a container name must be specified for pod nginz-cfd66dff6-hjccg, choose one of: [nginz-disco nginz]
kubectl logs nginz-cfd66dff6-hjccg --all-containers Starting nginx Setting up watches for /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams nginx PID: 7 Setting up watches. Watches established. nginx: [emerg] failed to load keystore [1] in /etc/wire/nginz/conf/nginx.conf:183 /nix/store/b6v3ffbwxi028wdhhrxdmg4ywfj6yngs-reload-script/bin/.nginz_reload.sh-wrapped: line 12: kill: (7) - No such process Files /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams/upstreams.conf and /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams/upstreams.conf.new differ upstream change found, replacing /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams/upstreams.conf with /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams/upstreams.conf.new done, sleeping 2.841718 . . .
Setting up watches for /etc/wire/nginz/upstreams Starting nginx nginx PID: 7 Setting up watches. Watches established. nginx: [emerg] failed to load keystore [1] in /etc/wire/nginz/conf/nginx.conf:183 /nix/store/b6v3ffbwxi028wdhhrxdmg4ywfj6yngs-reload-script/bin/.nginz_reload.sh-wrapped: line 12: kill: (7) - No such process
What is the actual result?
How to reproduce the issue?
When i bash into nginz container i dont see folder /etc/wire/nginz/secrets/zauth.conf, for this reason nginz pod is failing as its not able to find the keystore file. Am i missing any step for demo installation which is causing this issue to happen?
Okay now i got this nginz pod to running status. The thing which i tried was to copy zauth.text files public and private keys to brig and nginz section of secrets.yaml file. Then i did helm uninstall wire-server && install wire-server, it got to work. Also i bashed into nginz container to verify and saw it now has those folders and files /etc/wire/nginz/secrets/.
Maybe as docs are changing this step might have got retired.
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/properties/webapp Request Method: GET Status Code: 404
Websocket connections are failing.
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/properties/webapp Request Method: GET Status Code: 404
Websocket connections are failing.
Hey @mfarhanmail :wave:
looks like a default value that surely does not fit to your setup. You may want to exchange all occurrences of example.com
with your domain. :smile:
OK i dint had domains, as of now i have setup DNS record in my local machine in /etc/hosts/ to point to server where wire-server is deployed, so i was able to create and validate user but got stuck in a page where i only see "checking for new messages".
I see other API calls are just working fine, example Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/self Request Method: GET Status Code: 200
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/clients/63d004dfd75c4c8d/prekeys Request Method: GET Status Code: 200
You mean other features will require correct domain in setup to work? @supersven Thanks for your guidance.
Ah, I see. You may get away with fake domains as long as you stay consistent. However, this is not officially supported. And, you may need to solve HTTPS/SSL certificate issues. (Please, don't do this for a production environment.)
The next debugging step would likely be the open the webapp
(likely https://webapp.example.com
) and see which requests are failing.
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/properties/webapp Request Method: GET Status Code: 404
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/properties/WIRE_RECEIPT_MODE Request Method: GET Status Code: 404
Request URL: https://nginz-https.example.com/v3/properties/WIRE_TYPING_INDICATOR_MODE Request Method: GET Status Code: 404
Websocket: An SSL certificate error occurred when fetching the script.
reconnecting-websocket-mjs.js:518 WebSocket connection to 'wss://nginz-ssl.example.com/await?access_token=0fIw2u2Ewm-C5RgV9o30lCs4o1TpAXAEaBtor2DqSL4SkKnXLvfz3kaWqCw9hBf81XvzvSsa21lemPBC_rZFDg==.v=1.k=1.d=1687319583.t=a.l=.u=0e1a7141-4a46-4201-abf4-324a25cab575.i=63d004dfd75c4c8d.c=13529975733778401668&client=63d004dfd75c4c8d' failed:
Rest of the api's are working fine with 200 status code in the page where still "Checking for new messages" progress is shown.
what have you done for certificates? if you're doing the "just hit the trust button" method, you need to go to nginz-ssl.example.com manually in a web browser, and hit trust there.
Thank you it worked amazingly. Now ill get away with fake certificates.