wire-desktop copied to clipboard
Changed settings not persistent
Wire version: Version 3.26.2941 (running from flatpak, but also had the issue with native wire-desktop) Wire for web version: 2021. Operating system: Gentoo Linux Which antivirus software do you have installed: None
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Open Wire
- Toggle the dark mode switch
- Close Wire
- Open Wire, dark mode is off
What is the expected result?
Dark mode should be on
What is the actual result?
Dark mode is off
This isn't unique to the dark mode switch, the same happens with the 'Show Menu' option and probably other settings. This has been a persistent issue for me on both wire-desktop and the Flatpak version.
Hi. I just got this to work. I did install wire with "git clone https://github.com/wireapp/wire-desktop.git" and then did "yarn" and "yarn start" in the cloned folder, just like it says in the description here..
To be able to run yarn I had to update nodejs as my user. It was a hustle for me but I first listed available versions with "nvm ls-remote" and then installed the latest LTS version with "nvm install 16.14.0" Then I listed installed versions with "nvm ls" and uninstalled the old one with "nvm uninstall 12.16.0" after that I used yarn to update all packages.. and fixed security/audit issues etc.
Also I must mention that I, before all this, did try to install "wire-desktop-git" from AUR (I'm on archlinux) that also pulled with it the "electron10-bin" package. But that did not work well but threw a slew of errors at me, so after I got the "wireinternal", as it calls it self (from here) to work with "yarn start" in the dir I had cloned it in to, I reinstalled the original wire-desktop from the "community" repo.
That removed "wire-desktop-git" as they were in conflict but left behind the electron10-bin package.
Now thou after having started "wireinternal" and having changed to the "dark theme" and restarted to see if it was persistent (as it was) I also curiously started "wire-desktop" at the same time.. and behold.. it started with the dark theme. So I closed the "wireinternal" one and also restarted "wire-desktop" to see if it was persistent in regard to the "dark theme" setting. And haleluja on the snowclad mountains in sandals and what not.. now also"wire-desktop" suddenly remembers "dark mode" very well.. I love that donkey!! I do not know if this is because I have run "wireinternal" ones so it did something to some obscure setting file behind my back.. Maybe it wrote down a setting that was not there before.. Or maybe it is the new updated nodejs and all the updates "it" did to all it's packages. Or if it is that electron10 from AUR ( wire-desktop has electron11 as dependency,so it would be strange)?? But now it works. My guess is that it was upgrading nodejs and updating all packages that did it. Or that "yarn" in the cloned foder..?? But I will not start to dig in there for some answer but am just saying..
Best of luck to you.