Oliver Wipfli
Oliver Wipfli
They even made a schema similar to OpenMapTiles which they call the SwissMapTiles :) has glacier lines for example...
The base profile has what I want. I saw that I can pick a single layer with `--only_layers=landuse`. I would like to make a map which looks a bit like...
I have a MapLibre GL JS style which comes close to the above Swiss 1:50'000 map. It uses OpenMapTiles. This style does not use all information that OpenMapTiles provides, e.g.,...
It would be really cool of course if I could write a MapLibre style which selects data from OSM and planetiler makes sure this data is in the tiles...
@bdon would it be possible to use the go-pmtiles implementation here in Java in Planetiler?
I run Planetiler on the Shortbread configurable schema on the full planet. It created something like a 68 GB output file. Then I converted the .mbtiles to .pmtiles (25 minutes)...
It is nice to have type hints when writing config. Maybe we could use something like https://github.com/aws/jsii to generate the yamls from typed languages like TypeScript?
Can planetiler handle shapefiles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile)? The Swiss government distributes shapefiles (https://data.geo.admin.ch/) for example for natural protected areas. In the past, I converted shapefiles to GeoJSON and then to mbtiles with...
Thanks for taking the time to submit this bug report. Probably it is best to solve this problem at the source, i.e., where `mappingPath` is generated. Would you like to...