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"Window Changed - 1920x1080" on latest update
On the previous build from July, I was able to play the game at 5760x3240 (2.25 DLDSR of 4K) and 120 Hz, in a 120 Hz container. In this most recent build, I can't seem to do this anymore.
On the console readout when launching the executable, there are always a few lines that say "window size changed: 1920x1080", even when I have my desired resolution set in wipeout.cfg. In that wipeout.cfg, sometimes the game resets the Window Size to 0 on both axes, sometimes it sets it to 1280x720, sometimes it does nothing at all - but I cannot get my target resolution to stick.
Running latest build from today, in Exclusive Fullscreen mode with GSYNC, on a 3080 Ti.
My wipeout.cfg reads as follows:
rapierClassUnlocked "0" bonusTrackUnlocked "0" scoreName "X90" useBindlessTextures "1" useBindlessTexturesNonNvidia "0" useProgrammableBlending "1" perspectiveCorrect "1" interpolation "1" wallCollisionMode "Classic" newOffTrackDetection "1" newShipCollision "1" screenShake "1" windowMode "Fullscreen" preferredFullscreenMode "Fullscreen" exclusiveFullscreenResolution "5760" "3240" vsync "0" windowSize "5760" "3240" resolutionMode "Fixed" fixedResolution "5760" "3240" resolutionScale "1" aspectRatio "1.777778" masterVolume "1" sfxVolume "0.75" musicVolume "0.4" musicTrack "-1" drawHUD "1" analogDeadzone "0.1"
Thanks for any help you may provide - and if it is a bug, hopefully it will be fixed in the latest release.
As usual, this seems to have been a BS Windows issue.
Overriding the DPI Scaling behavior and disabling fullscreen optimizations on wipeout.exe has fixed the issue. My 5760x3240 window now displays properly.
I have implemented proper high DPI support so this should be smoother in the next update.
cheers mate. thank you again for this fantastic conversion.