> I don't see much of use in the Textpattern Basics tutorial, but if a relative newbie (yesterday) says it's good as a refresher then maybe it does have some...
Another thought, whether the basic tute or otherwise... Figure out where a handful of well-written and maintained starter articles/resources are located and add them as links in a link category....
And if you announce that to the community, to game it, like 'Hey, write, shoot, or share your favourite new-user tute/resource and we'll hook up for the world to see...
NTS: Make a new section in editorial style guide for 'special docs syntax' and add rule for tables, with following example: ``` notextile. Textile table markup notextile. ``` Can someone...
I've started work in this direction, for the editorial parts anyway, by creating a /brand folder to consolidate focus and effort... https://github.com/textpattern/textpattern.github.io/tree/master/brand It has an index to help shape our...
@Bloke, @philwareham, @petecooper, I'd like to propose a significant change to the editorial style guide that has implications for new `xml:lang="en"`, `lang="en"`, and `` values in Textpattern websites. The change...
Here's how that would read in the style guide... http://docs.textpattern.io/brand/editorial-style-guidelines#lang (Ignore the rest of the doc, which is a flux of change and transformation.)
NTS: Add Terminology section to ESG and add note about 'directory' over 'folder'.
Wow, issue opened more than 5 years ago. / hangs head / Time to take care of this one. I've updated the head post to reflect new status. I'm starting...