Matthew Haywood
Matthew Haywood
When a user wants to mix coins we need a way to show what possible output denominations are available for other users to join the mixing. Either set this on...
Unless you importaddress from any vout address used in the issuance or reissuance tx that another node made, your node is not aware of the issuance or reissuance, even if...
elements- signmessage and signmessagewithprivkey only seem to work with p2pkh which is not the default in elements. With a default address type this errors on signing: ``` elements-cli getnewaddress AzpoUdjKavd8ZL4NTnaWt4bEYfVo4a5J42pDdAzCrzH3F7M5xk5iNSNCR3RfV9XndGEdnFv5uTs1EBmN...
Currently (tested in and 0.18.11): If I set `chain=whatever`, `con_has_parent_chain=0` or `parentgenesisblockhash=Null` in elements.conf I can still call getpeginaddress from a connected client without error and get a `mainchain_address`...
Version As I understand it the fallbackfee that is set within code is actually ignored (inherited from Bitcoin Core). I think this was done to avoid users getting txs...
elements rawissueasset doesn't allow asset_amount of zero: ``` Invalid parameter, asset_amount must be positive ``` Whereas this is ok using `issueasset`. If you use `issueasset 0 1` you get...
In the elements tutorial covering block signing in a strong federation (i.e. not using generate to create blocks) it uses a 1of1 block signing model and disables dynafed using `con_dyna_deploy_start=9999999999999`....
Added link to new repository for the website.
Just minor typos and some formatting of bullet points. says we installed jq as part of set up but the set up has changed to use the binaries now so that's not true.