annotate.nvim copied to clipboard
[!NOTE] This repo was archived as of 2024-02-23. There remain some bugs, but I don't have the motivation to continue working on this plugin. Feel free to fork. Thanks to all those who showed interest.
A plugin for creating and storing notes (annotations) related to a line of code/text. It uses Neovim's extended marks and a SQLite database to store annotation information.
Installation & configuration
With folke/lazy.nvim
dependencies = {'kkharji/sqlite.lua'},
config = function()
-- path for the sqlite db file
db_uri = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/annotations_db',
-- sign column symbol to use
annot_sign = '',
-- highlight group for symbol
annot_sign_hl = 'Comment',
-- highlight group for currently active annotation
annot_sign_hl_current = 'FloatBorder',
-- width of floating annotation window
annot_win_width = 25,
-- padding to the right of the floating annotation window
annot_win_padding = 2
Migrating note line separator character
Previously, I'd been using "``" as a separator when concatenating and reconstructing notes that span multiple lines. However, I've changed this to use "\n" instead. To update all existing notes to use the new character separator, use require('annotate').migrate_annotation_char_sep()
Map these to some keybinding:
: Create an annotation at the current cursor line and open floating window for the text. If an annotation already exists there, will open the floating window to allow modification.
: Delete the annotation at the current cursor line, after showing the annotation text and prompting for confirmation.