Wes Winham
Wes Winham
Figure out where/who/how to ask for contributions on how to integrate with existing PHP frameworks. Abstract documentation on integrating with PHP in the general case is very hard, but providing...
Split the readme up in to properly-organized sphinx documentation and use readthedocs.org to host the documentation.
This example PHP class currently relies on a magic "Database" object included from elsewhere that handles the database connection. Refactor this to something more generally-usable. Maybe this is where people...
I'm unsure of the exact cause, but attached `.docx` has a hyperlink around the text `http://translate.google.com/#`, but when run through pydocx, the resulting HTML is just surrounded in `strong` tags...
With the current setup of using a myapp/gargoyle.py file for adding custom ConditionSet objects, I'm running in to an import problem. Since the file and the package are both named...