react-quiz-component copied to clipboard
Types for Typescript users of react-quiz-component (.d.ts)
Nice job with the library, I was trialing the component, doesn't quite fit for my use case, but I thought it might be useful to have some Types to assist for Typescript users. Quickly put this together whilst I was trying out the component, hopefully helpful to you if not onlookers.
File: react-quiz-component.d.ts
declare module 'react-quiz-component' {
import { ReactElement } from 'react';
type QuestionType = "text" | "photo"
type AnswerSelectionType = "single" | "multiple"
type Question = {
question: string
questionType: QuestionType
answers: string[]
correctAnswer: string
answerSelectionType: AnswerSelectionType
messageForCorrectAnswer?: string
messageForIncorrectAnswer?: string
explanation?: string
point?: string
segment?: string
type QuizStructure = {
quizTitle: string
questions: question[]
type QuizProps = {
quiz: QuizStructure;
disableSynopsis?: boolean;
shuffleAnswer?: boolean;
shuffle?: boolean;
showDefaultResult?: boolean;
showInstantFeedback?: boolean;
continueTillCorrect?: boolean;
timer?: number;
allowPauseTimer?: boolean
const Quiz: (props: QuizProps) => ReactElement;
export default Quiz;