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Tutorial Writeup - Manacher's Algorithm

Open wingkwong opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Markdown Path: tutorials/strings/manachers-algorithm.md

  • Overview
  • Explanation with 1 ~ 2 LC problems
  • Suggested Problems (See arrays.md as a reference for the format)

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wingkwong avatar Sep 28 '22 06:09 wingkwong

Hey @wingkwong I would like to document this algo Could you please assign this to me

i-dipanshu avatar Sep 28 '22 16:09 i-dipanshu

Free this issue at this moment as dipanshu got 2 writeups already. Free feel to leave a comment here if you wanna pick up.

wingkwong avatar Sep 30 '22 09:09 wingkwong

Hey @wingkwong I would love to work on this issue. I could provide a beautiful documentation. Would you please assign this issue to me.

wizeewig avatar Sep 30 '22 13:09 wizeewig

@wizeewig Any updates?

wingkwong avatar Oct 13 '22 13:10 wingkwong

U can assign it to someone else. I will provide the part I have written/completed to the nxt person who is assigned this.

wizeewig avatar Nov 02 '22 07:11 wizeewig

@wingkwong can you assign me this? I'm ready with a PR

abhiramtilakiiit avatar Oct 01 '23 18:10 abhiramtilakiiit

@abhiramtilakiiit assigned.

wingkwong avatar Oct 02 '23 05:10 wingkwong