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My Neovim config - windvim
NEOVIM Config - Windvim
I use Paq and create a function Plug so I can use it like (vim-plug) with Plug you can customize it to load config from lua or vim
Plug {'neoclide/jsonc.vim' , ft = 'json'}
Plug {'junegunn/gv.vim' , on = 'GV'}
-- load vim file in /plug/fern.vim
Plug {'lambdalisue/fern.vim' , config = 'fern.vim'}
Plug can lazy load with filetype(ft),command(on), event and key.
I don't need to rename Plug to paq
or use
All plugins config is store on folder /plug/.vim and /lua/wind/plug/.lua
If you are develop or test config you can run command :WindDev
It will enable dev mode and all import module is auto reload.
by default it load some lsp server lua, jsonls, yamls.
Another lsp can load when you open project and run script with my plugin project-config
Wind.load_lsp {'tsserver', 'efm'}
Wind.load_lsp 'gopls'
Wind.load_theme 'gruvbox'