PSN_get_pkg_info copied to clipboard
About determining PSP pkg type
There are some psp pkgs that contain "EBOOT.PBP" but are labeled as PSP_DLC. Should they be classified as PSP_GAME?
So, the checking process is, check pkg content type -> check PBP param.sfo category-> check if EBOOT.PBP is included...?
Nice observation.
For the overall categorization of the package I prefer to use the PBP category as it already is. If the manufacturer incorrectly categorized the package, then I will prefer to show the data as-is. For the NPS category there could be a "list of incorrectly categorized packages" to fix it for the database.
There are some questions about a EBOOT.PBP in a PSP DLC package:
- How is that package extracted on a PSP? Folder and file names?
- Does an EBOOT.PBP of a DLC contain the whole game? (If not, use determination as-is)
- Can it be installed and run without the main game? (If not, use determination as-is)