Imran Hajiyev
Imran Hajiyev
Для тех кто ищет как показать карту используя SwiftUI ``` import SwiftUI import YandexMapsMobile struct YandexMapsView: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> YMKMapView { let mapView = YMKMapView(frame: return...
> > Для тех кто ищет как показать карту используя SwiftUI > > ``` > > import SwiftUI > > import YandexMapsMobile > > > > struct YandexMapsView: UIViewRepresentable {...
> > > > Для тех кто ищет как показать карту используя SwiftUI > > > > > ``` > > > > > import SwiftUI > > > >...
Для имплементации иконок и тд через UserLocationView Controller в классе YandexMapView просто надо поменять `let userLocationViewController = UserLocationViewController()` на `@ObservedObject var userLocationViewController = UserLocationViewController()` @Dominnik
Hi @mikaelacaron, do you still need any help with the project? I'm open to any sort of contributions!
Any other issue I can help you with @mikaelacaron?
Sure @mikaelacaron, let me handle it! I'll try to finish it ASAP.
@mikaelacaron hi, hope all is well 😄 did you have the chance to look at the PR?
@mikaelacaron oh sorry, you are right, I totally forgot about it. Merry Christmas! Have a great holiday 🥳
hey @mikaelacaron, sorry for the late reply, still on holidays! I'll update PR with requested changes by Sunday latest.