
Results 53 comments of windowshopr

Yeah I'm having the same issue. I did the `sudo apt-get install libopenmpi3` as well. ![image]( Would be cool to figure this out. This is on a RPi4b.

Can confirm. I followed those steps, but still get that error :( I also used `pip install Cython setuptools==58.3.0` in addition to `sudo -H pip3 install setuptools==58.3.0` and `sudo -H...

One thing to point out, and maybe this is my issue now that I'm seeing it, is that I'm running Python 3.10.5, but trying to use the wheel for 3.9...

@Qengineering Good suggestion, I'll do that and report my findings back. EDIT Though I see those instructions are only for arch64, not arm71 like my pi is. I found an...

Here's my latest update. The previous articles/repos were only for Fedora, which doesn't help in my Raspbian case. I instead found [this repo]( and ran these commands in order. Not...

Hmm. I’ll give that a shot next time I’m at it and see what I can do. Thanks!

@hallibay Yes, I had this issue too on my Windows 10 machine. My error looked like this: `NotFoundError: Failed to create a directory: ./23_logs\train\plugins\profile\2019-11-11_13-02-07; No such file or directory` So,...

As a workaround, I just re-added the df column with the adj close in it, after the removal process, like so: ``` # Trying to now name all the feature...

I narrowed it down to an SQL-Alchemy version issue, so I ran `pip install -r requirements.txt` to match your environment, but now I see this error: ``` [2022-03-06 17:00:22,385] ERROR...

That worked, but more issues now. I'm trying to run it in Colab. Changed the import of TF to this at the top: ``` import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf tf.disable_v2_behavior() ```...