Windkit Li
Windkit Li
### Description Currently the statistics is not updated after rebalance, it is not clear to user. The statistics would be updated after compaction. #### Before Rebalance ``` $ ./leofs-adm du...
## Description Currently only single part range request is handled, we have to use "multipart/byteranges" in replying multiple part range reqquest ## Reference
### Description LeoFS currently does not support Get Object ACL For example, ``` GET http://bucket.leofs/object?acl ``` LeoFS would reply the object content instead of the ACL (Basically treated as normal...
### Description LeoFS does not handle parameters `Prefix` and `Delimiter` correctly ### Reference ### Details In LeoFS, `Prefix` is assumed to be a "directory" path, `Delimiter` is assumed to...
### Description `leo_object_storage_api:fetch_by_key` is unbounded, for a bucket / sub-directories with tons of objects, it would block the metadata server. ### Solution Pass the MaxKeys down the pipe to limit...
## Description Get Bucket (List Objects) in a bucket with a large number of objects takes long (90 seconds) and blocks other operations ## Details The issue is caught when...
With `N=3, W=2`, user would receive error message in two situations 1. No Write accepted, the new data will never be in place 2. 1 Write accepted, write quorum is...
The performance difference between default build options and the one we have now is unnoticeable As we tested before It is also easier to download a erlang package from...
### Description To use leofs_test2 as a CI tool, the test should stop upon errors and return non-zero to the OS Such as `check_redundancies`
## Description `leo_storage` gets overloaded and becomes unresponsive under continuous workload. Hence, requests from `leo_gateway` are not handled and thus client requests are blocked. ## Details ### Test Setup *...