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Intelligent WindiCSS tooling for VS Code

Windi CSS Intellisense

Windi CSS IntelliSense enhances the Windi development experience by providing Visual Studio Code users with advanced features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, code folding, and building.


Install via the Visual Studio Code Marketplace →

Install via the Open VSX Registry →

This plugin packs a windicss compiler, so you can use it without installing windicss, and it also supports the configuration file (tailwind|windi).config.(js|cjs|ts).


By default VS Code will not trigger completions when editing "string" content. Updating the editor.quickSuggestions setting may improve your experience:

"editor.quickSuggestions": {
  "strings": true

Vscode css validation may display errors when using windi syntax, such as @apply. You can disable this with the `css.validate setting:

"css.validate": false



Intelligent suggestions for utilities and variants.

Auto Complete

Hover Preview

See the complete CSS for a class name by hovering over it.

Hover Preview

Syntax Highlighting

Highlight utilities, variants and importants.

Syntax Highlighting

Color Preview

Preview color and spectrum.

Color Preview

Code Folding

disabled by default, activate with "windicss.enableCodeFolding"

Fold overly long classes to increase readability.

Code Folding

Compile Commands

Built-in commands, one-key operation.

Compile Commands

Visual Analyzer

Browse your utilities usages, have an overview of your design system, identify "bad practices", and more!

Visual Analyzer

Extension Settings

Settings type default description
windicss.enableColorDecorators boolean true Enable Color Decorators.
windicss.enableHoverPreview boolean true Enable hover className to show preview of CSS.
windicss.enableCodeCompletion boolean true Enable/Disable all code completions.
windicss.enableUtilityCompletion boolean true Enable Utility Completion.
windicss.enableVariantCompletion boolean true Enable Variant Completion.
windicss.enableDynamicCompletion boolean true Enable Dynamic Utilities Completion like p-{int}.
windicss.enableBracketCompletion boolean true Enable Square Bracket Utilities Completion like bg-[#ff0].
windicss.enableAttrUtilityCompletion boolean true Enable Utility Completion For Attributify Mode.
windicss.enableAttrVariantCompletion boolean true Enable Variant Completion For Attributify Mode.
windicss.enableRemToPxPreview boolean true Enable Rem to Px Preview.
windicss.rootFontSize number 16 Used to convert rem CSS values to their px equivalents.
windicss.enableEmmetCompletion boolean false Enable . trigger for emmet.
windicss.enableCodeFolding boolean false Enable ClassNames Code Folding.
windicss.colorDecoratorsType string 'cube' Configure the type of color decorations, optional ['border', 'bg', 'cube', 'picker'], default is 'cube'.
windicss.foldByLength boolean false Folding code by length. Default option is false, will fold by utility count.
windicss.foldCount number 3 Used by foldByCount.
windicss.foldLength number 25 Used by foldByLength
windicss.hiddenText string ... Placeholder used when folding code.
windicss.hiddenTextColor string #AED0A4 Placeholder Color.
windicss.sortOnSave boolean false Runs class sorting on file save.
windicss.includeLanguages object {} Add additional file types.

Give an example of windicss.includeLanguages

"windicss.includeLanguages": {
  "abc": "html", // css, js
  "def": {
    "type": "css"
  "ghi": {
    "type": "js",
    "patterns": ["@apply\s+\S+$", "..." ],

For more information