Universal-G-Code-Sender copied to clipboard
Does not work on Raspberry PI 4 - Bullseyes
Hardware / Firmware
What happened
I extracted the tar.gz and launched the ./bin/ugsplatform binary as should be done, but I get this error :
./bin/../platform/lib/nbexec: ligne 430: /home/pi/ugsplatform-pi/jdk/jdk8u275-b01-jre/bin/java: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
nbexec seems to not find the java binary in the /home/pi/ugsplatform-pi/jdk/jdk8u275-b01-jre/bin/ folder.
But its really strange, because the java binary is there like you can see in the following screenshot.
Any idea?
How to reproduce
- Download v2.0.12 for RPi
- Extract the ugs-platform-app-pi.tar.gz file
- Launch ./bin/ugsplatform
Operating System
Bullseye on RPI4
Anything else
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