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Spring Boot and Thymeleaf helpers for working with htmx

Results 16 htmx-spring-boot issues
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See This adds a `#htmxRequest` object that can be used similar to `#request` in Thymeleaf templates. ```html It is an htmx Request ``` This change subclasses the `SpringStandardExpressionObjectFactory` to...

i really liked your talk and this concept, it would be even more awesome if this also works with ```xml org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-webflux ``` in there's an example controller on...

Since the `#` sign is used when looking up message properties, Thymeleaf throws an error when a CSS selector is used directly. This works: `hx:target="${'#myDiv'}` This also works: `hx-target="#myDiv"` (Since...

HTMX's support for hypermedia client means that we could write tests that validate those calls. I wonder if we could add test support that would inspect a response, locate an...

This is an example of things to consider. Not a PR of features. - [ ] Should we document how to interact with forms? - [ ] Onchange the first...

I was trying out this library with the current Spring Boot 3 milestone and got this error. The reason is that the library uses imports from `org.thymeleaf.spring5` and these don't...

I don't know if this is even possible but it would be nice to have support for Springs `RedirectAttributes` when using ``` return HtmxResponse.builder() .redirect("/my-resource/1") .build(); ```

When submitting forms, Thymeleaf's `th:action` attribute adds required CSRF tokens automatically. It seems to me that this feature isn't supported when using, for example `hx:post` on a form. For reference,...

The following piece of code, when added breaks my app doing oauth2 login. Is there possibly a way its added to the existing config that's auto configured from application.yml. ```...