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How to handle UnsupportedMediaTypeException with custom message ?
Hello @wimdeblauwe,
First of all, thanks for this amazing project ;)
I maintain an API with a PATCH endpoint with require application/merge-patch+json
content-type. Since, it's not a common header I need to handle properly UnsupportedMediaTypeException. Without any custom configuration, the library returns a 415 Http Status which is great.
But, no body is returned.
Can you explain how can I customize the response body for an error which is not custom but part of the spring project.
Thanks for your help
I've tried to add a custom configuration as the docs explains :
org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: "INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE"
org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: "Wrong media type provided"
But it still doesn't work :(
Also, I have another question. Is this project still active ?
Thanks for your reply
It is active, but there is currently little activity as it is quite stable as is. Do you have a sample project that shows what you want to do so I can investigate it?
I just created a sample project myself, but it seems the exception never reaches the library for some reason. In a very simple Spring Boot project even without my library I see that an @ExceptionHandler
is not called.
If you have this:
public class TestRestController {
public void handleException(Exception e) {
public void test() {
throw new RuntimeException("fake");
Then the handler works and the stack trace is printed. However, If you change the GetMapping to:
@GetMapping(value = "/", consumes = "application/merge-patch+json")
Then the stack trace is no longer printed. I will try to check with Spring Boot people why this might be.
What you can try as a workaround for now, is defining a class like this in your project:
import io.github.wimdeblauwe.errorhandlingspringbootstarter.servlet.ErrorHandlingControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnWebApplication;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import java.util.List;
@ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = ConditionalOnWebApplication.Type.SERVLET)
public class FallbackExceptionHandler extends ErrorHandlingControllerAdvice {
public FallbackExceptionHandler(List<ApiExceptionHandler> handlers,
FallbackApiExceptionHandler fallbackHandler,
LoggingService loggingService) {
super(handlers, fallbackHandler, loggingService);
I tested this in a sample application with your config to override the error message and this works perfectly.