TrelloJSON2Kanboard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TrelloJSON2Kanboard copied to clipboard

Plugin for Importing Trello Projects from JSON Files to Kanboard.


Plugin for Importing Trello Projects from JSON Files to Kanboard.

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  • Wilton Rodrigues
  • License MIT


  • Kanboard >= 1.0.35
  • PHP curl Extension


You have the choice between 2 methods:

  1. Download the zip file and decompress everything under the directory plugins/TrelloJSON2Kanboard
  2. Clone this repository into the folder plugins/TrelloJSON2Kanboard

Note: Plugin folder is case-sensitive.

When the plugin is installed, the option "Import Trello JSON" appears on the top menu of the main Kanboard dashboard:

Import Trello JSON

Exporting JSON Data From Trello

Each Trello board needs to be exported individually. These screenshots illustrate the process (this reflects the Trello web UI as of August, 2021).

First, open a board and click the "... Show menu" button:

Trello - Show Menu

On the menu, expand the "... More" option:

Trello - Menu - More

Select the option to "Print and export":

Trello - Print and export

From the "Print and export" menu, select the option to "Export as JSON":

Trello - Export as JSON

This will deliver a raw JSON dump via the web browser. Right click in the browser and select "Save as..." in order to download from a file:

Trello - Export JSON - Save as

After downloading this JSON file, use the new "Import Trello JSON" option on the main Kanboard dashboard to import the Trello board.