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Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM measurement and mutation tasks

Results 13 fastdom issues
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Please provide esm format distribution for importing in browser directly without any module loader.

I have a scenario where I want to render a list at a certain scroll position that's not `0`. If I update scroll after rendering the list, I can see... enabled = value if (value) strictdom.enable(); else strictdom.disable();

Fastdom sounds so efficient that I need to ask what the possible downsides are. Why is this not the default behaviour implemented in modern browsers? > you should wrap any...

I wanted to extend fastdom to process tasks in a different way. Specifically I wanted to use the advice from to break up the tasks so only a few...

An interesting resource article on latest Chrome optimizations and rendering. Felt like it belonged here as a helpful reference for those so inclined to read it, particularly the comments. Seems...

Make debug flag editable by setting NODE_ENV to production.

Pick a couple of examples and link to them on gh-pages.


The usecase is to throttle `touchmove` events in the dom. As of now we have to schedule it via `mutate` and then `clear` it when the next one comes. This...