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MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference copied to clipboard

I will be thankful to you if you download and send it to my mail. This repository of yours is very valuable. And I don't want to lose it. So if you can download and send us here is my mail: [email protected]. Thank you.> After downloading this repository, i got nothing in files. Why is that?? Tell me a way to download it ASAP.

Open Entrepincome opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments

          > After downloading this repository, i got nothing in files. Why is that?? Tell me a way to download it ASAP.

When you download it, if not all the data was downloaded correctly, you will have an invalid zip file.

If you don't know how to download it at all you can do the following:

On the main page, there should be a "download" button the the top right. In the drop down select "download zip". This will download a few gigabytes of files.

If you just need a list of the words you can go to "releases" and download that. Those files range from kilobytes to megabytes, so relatively very small.

Originally posted by @willwulfken in https://github.com/willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference/issues/39#issuecomment-1634972858

Entrepincome avatar Jul 14 '23 19:07 Entrepincome