If no "--port" flag is specified, the client will not listen at all. (the host will be created with `libp2p.NoListenAddrs`) On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 8:36 AM Hector Sanjuan...
the first part "having pooling" is something we already do. when you ask for a round that the http relay believes is forthcoming, you'll get a response that's held open...
Do expect the producers to be running drand on machines / containers with multiple users? I suspect in practice a warning will be enough.
this looses the temp-dir naming for later introspection
this seems doable :+1:
I think the issue is that in the start/watch the initial call to `Watch` is going to fail because it's called before the beacon is started. That's expected in the...
I believe we begin a background `watch` thread in the http server portion of the node on startup, which is used to cache requests for the current round without making...
@nikkolasg would it be reasonable to add a check in [`ProcessPartialBeacon`](https://github.com/drand/drand/blob/master/chain/beacon/node.go#L103)? - check if the partial we're processing is from a previous round vs expected current and try kicking off...
sync has gotten overloaded for a few different cases: * manual sync by user before joining group * catching up on history upon joining as part of initial setup *...
looking at the current PL node LoE, we're seeing `time_discrepancy_ms=733.495403` That's a bit higher than i'd expect. We don't have other logging about the break-down in latency to understand why...