body-scroll-lock icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
body-scroll-lock copied to clipboard

Body scroll locking that just works with everything 😏

Results 113 body-scroll-lock issues
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When I import the module `import { disableBodyScroll, enableBodyScroll } from 'body-scroll-lock';` and then try to build the app I get the following error: `Error: 'disableBodyScroll' is not exported by...

For see this problem you need: 1. Get Iphone X, open 2. Little scroll page to top, for hide bottom panel with navigation buttons 3. Slick 'disable body scroll'...

**Objective**: Update the documentation about React.ref() to pass the props properly through class components. **Change**: file is adjusted to explain how to pass the __ref__ between components.

For some reason Scroll doesn't work in modals on IOS. It works well, on other platforms. To view this issue: 1. Visit on an iphone. 2. Open the tasks...

Hi, the approach using **querySelector** works, but when I use the **ref** approach, the target scrolls starts only using two fingers. Thanks for the lib by the way. ` class...

I have a full screen modal that shows above a parent. For some reason when I use this to disable the parent scroll. There is white thick border (or something)...

Even with the provided demo, one can still scroll the body in iOS 12 if you touch at the bottom of the page when the browser controls are hidden. To...

I can see there's a `reserveScrollBarGap` option available in the options passed to `enableBodyScroll`, but not in disableBodyScroll? I feel like logically you'd want to reserve the scrollbar's gap when...

I'm attempting to select a few `targetElement`s which can be scrollable when `disableBodyScroll` is enabled. A few tests below and for some reason when I have either more than one...

Referring to a comment by @liamcmitchell-sc , > the API of allowTouchMove requires implementations of allowTouchMove to implement the same available scroll checks that this library is doing. This is...