firefox-addon-sdk-menu-button icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
firefox-addon-sdk-menu-button copied to clipboard

Two-function menu-button for the add-on SDK

Given the move towards web extensions and the deprecation of certain Add-on SDK features, I am no longer actively working on this.

From the announcement

We will also continue supporting SDK add-ons as long as they don’t use require(‘chrome’) or some of the low-level APIs that provide access to XUL elements.

Emphasis mine. This is exactly what this custom button did. Old Readme below

Menu Button For Firefox add-on SDK

The Firefox add-on SDK allows for simple action buttons and toggle buttons. This creates a menu-button instead, which displays an icon on the left and a drop-marker on the right, like so:

Firefox menu-button

How to use it

Place both files in the lib directory of your extension.
Usage is similar to other button types. Include the following code in main.js (or any js file in the lib directory)

const { MenuButton } = require('./menu-button');
var btn = MenuButton({
  id: 'my-menu-button',
  label: 'My menu-button',
  icon: {
    "16": "./firefox-16.png",
    "32": "./firefox-32.png"
  onClick: click

The click function will be passed the same state object as the toggle and action buttons, and will be passed an additional boolean argument: isMenu. It should be used like so

function click(state, isMenu) {
  if (isMenu) {
    //menu-button clicked
  } else {
    //icon clicked