Will Kahn-Greene
Will Kahn-Greene
We need to be able to keep track of the state of video metadata in arbitrary ways. I was thinking we could do one of two things: 1. use a...
steve should support Python 2.7 and 3.3+.
JSON is a pain in the ass to edit by hand especially summary and description fields. Plus it's picky about quotes and commas and things. Maybe YAML is a better...
Probably want to use blessings to get colors and tables and such. Might even want to specify which fields you want to see. So, it defaults to: - title -...
We should go through: https://github.com/codersquid/pycon2015-steve-example and simplify things and give steve more super powers so that workflow is easier.
Need to be able to push all the changes to a richard instance. How do we recognize when a video already exists in a richard instance?
The steve.ini file should allow you to specify default field values and use those values in fetch to prepopulate fields that don't otherwise have data.
I've had a couple of videos before that had long titles and I think we hit another set with SciPy. We should increase the max_length to 100 characters or something.
For videos that are hosted on YouTube, we'd also include the YouTube video url in the enclosure list in the RSS feed because Miro was able to use that and...
We want to make it easy to promote an account from the command line given an email address. This alleviates problems when a developer does things out of order and/or...