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How to build a GPU-powered Lubuntu desktop in the cloud

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Building a GPU-enhanced Lubuntu Desktop with nvidia-docker2

To build on a plain vanilla Google Compute GPU host:

  1. Spin up a GC GPU host on the google console. Make sure it has at least one Tesla K80 GPU, and decent amount of VCPUs (e.g. 4, and enough disk space, at least 50Gb). Zone us-east-1c seems to be the best choice as of April 1, 2018.
  2. Upload this repo and unpack it in /root/build or wherever you like as a temporary location.
  3. Run preinstall.sh. This just runs apt-get update and puts in screen and emacs for getting started.
  4. Run build.sh. This will build everything needed to start up a nvidia-docker2 container with Ubuntu 16.04 and Lubuntu desktop.

SetupImage1 Setupimage2

Running the container

To run the container on this host, use run.sh. Note that NoVNC will expect connections on port 40001. Then surf to your host on that port.

Setting up network access

Thanks to @moorage for these tips on configuring network access.


More info

For more links and reference, please see the Medium posting about this environment here.