yoomoney-api copied to clipboard
This library will allow you to: generate a payment link and process the payment notification asynchronously, access account information, get access to payment history, access payment details.
API Yoomoney - Unofficial C# Library
- Introduction
- Features
- Installation
Quick Start
- Access Token
- Account Information
- Operation History
- Operation Details
- Quickpay
This library will allow you to:
- Generate a payment link and process the payment notification asynchronously
- Access account information
- Get access to payment history
- Access payment details
Implemented methods:
- Access Token - Getting an access token
- Account Information - Getting information about the status of the user account.
- Operation History - This method allows viewing the full or partial history of operations in page mode. History records are displayed in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest).
- Operation Details - Provides detailed information about a particular operation from the history.
- Quickpay - The YooMoney form is a set of fields with information about a transfer. You can embed the payment form into your interface (e.g., a website or blog). When the sender pushes the button, the details from the form are sent to YooMoney, and an order for a transfer to your wallet is initiated.
You can install it with .Net CLI command:
dotnet add package yoomoney-api --version 1.4.0
Quick start
- Log in to your YooMoney wallet with your username. If you do not have a wallet, create it.
- Go to the App registration page.
- Follow the example, enter all the required data and click the "all correct" button
- Set the application parameters. Save CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI for the next steps.
- Click the Confirm button.
- Paste CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI instead of YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI. Choose scopes and run the code.
- Follow all steps from the program.
Access token
Authorization proceeds as follows:
- Paste this code and run it
using yoomoney_api.authorize;
Authorize authorize = new(clientId:"YOUR_CLIENT_ID",redirectUl:"YOUR_REDIRECT_URL",scope:new []
- You get a link in the console to navigate to, but if you want to use it somewhere else, the Authorize class constructor initializes the AuthorizeUrl property with that link.
- Visit this website and confirm the application authorization request.
- You follow the generated link, enter the code that you will receive, after which you will be redirected to YOUR_REDIRECT_URL.
- Once the redirect to YOUR_REDIRECT_URL is complete, you copy the address bar of that page you're currently on (but keep in mind that the lifetime of that address is a minute) and pass that address as a method parameter
and the access token we need will be returned to thetoken
Example url
Copy and paste this code
var token = await authorize.GetAccessToken(code: "YOUR_СODE", clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", redirectUri: "YOUR_REDIRECT_URL");
- Your access token
Your access token:
You are done with the most difficult part!
Account information
You can copy the received token or get it from the Token Url property of the Authorize class after authorization. Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:
using yoomoney_api.account;
using yoomoney_api.authorize;
var client = new Client(token:authorize.TokenUrl);
var accountInfo = client.GetAccountInfo(token:YOUR_TOKEN);
Account number: 550019014512302
Account balance: 999999999999.99
Account currency code in ISO 4217 format: 643
Account status: identified
Account type: personal
Extended balance information:
--> total: 999999999999.99
--> available: 999999999999.99
--> deposition_pending: Null
--> blocked: Null
--> debt: Null
--> hold: Null
Information about linked bank cards:
No card is linked to the account
Operation history
Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:
var operationHistory = client.GetOperationHistory(token:YOUR_TOKEN);
List of operations:
operation id: --> 752413347835145104
status --> success
datetime --> 04.11.2023 11:42:27
title --> Пополнение с карты ****5769
pattern id --> Null
direction --> in
amount --> 145,50
label --> b5c57192-e7d0-4ecc-8d9d-623b8426890d
type --> deposition
amount_currency --> RUB
is_sbp_operations --> false
Operation details
Paste YOUR_TOKEN with an OPERATION_ID (example: 752413347835145104) from previous example output and run this code:
var operationDetails = client.GetOperationDetails(token:YOUR_TOKEN,operationId:operationId);
This way we can check whether the payment went through, generate a link for transfer using the card number, and then receive the transaction history and check (status, datetime, label).
Operation details:
operation_id --> 752413347835145104
status --> success
pattern_id --> p2p
direction --> in
amount --> 145,50
amount_due --> Null
fee --> Null
datetime --> 04.11.2023 11:42:27
title --> Пополнение с карты ****5769
sender --> Null
recipient --> Null
recipient_type --> Null
message --> Перевод по кнопке
comment --> Null
coderpo --> Null
protection_code --> Null
expires --> Null
answer_datetime --> Null
label --> b5c57192-e7d0-4ecc-8d9d-623b8426890d
details --> Пополнение с банковской карты, операция №2cd841d2-0011-5000-a000-1c1da48c5f72.Банковская карта: ****5769.
type --> deposition
DigitalBonus is empty
DigitalProduct is empty
The first step is to install our notifications in the YooMoney client. Enter the address to which you will receive notifications, and also be sure to save the secret key, we will need it for the next step. After this we need to generate a payment link, copy and paste this code
Label - make it unique for each payment. Run this code:
var label = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var quickpay = new Quickpay(receiver: "4100118408605024", quickpayForm: "shop", sum: 10,
label: label, paymentType: "AC"); //Payment method. Possible values: PC - payment from the YuMoney wallet; AC - from a bank card.
PaymentListenerToYooMoney paymentListenerToYooMoney = new(label,DateTime.Today,"NOTIFICATION_SECRET");
var resultPayment = await paymentListenerToYooMoney.Listen("YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_NAME","YOUR_PORT");
IP-appec: XXX.X.X.X // Доменное имя: https://XXXXXXXXXXX, IP: XX.XXX.XXX.XX
Сервер запущен. Ожидание подключений...
Follow the link, pay and wait for notifications from YooMooney,it will arrive immediately after a notification on your phone.
Подключен клиент.
HTTP Requests
Текущий платеж:
NotificationType --> card-incoming
OperationId --> 753525659460074104
DateTime --> 2023-11-17 12:40
Amount --> 9.70
WithdrawAmount --> 10.00
Firstname --> Null
Lastname --> Null
Fathersname --> Null
Email --> Null
Phone --> Null
City --> Null
Street --> Null
Building --> Null
Suite --> Null
Flat --> Null
Zip --> Null
Sender --> Null
Unaccepted --> false
Codepro --> false
Currency --> 643
Label --> eb0db09d-7354-48e9-abf8-bceef21c0b01
Сервер завершил работу
Contact information is available only by protocol HTTPS
var quickpay = new Quickpay(
receiver: "4100118408605024",
quickpayForm: "shop",
sum: 10,
label: label,
paymentType: "AC",
city:"Saint Petersburg",
street:"Begovaya street",
PaymentListenerToYooMoney paymentListenerToYooMoney = new(label,DateTime.Today,"NOTIFICATION_SECRET");
var resultPayment = await paymentListenerToYooMoney.Listen("YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_NAME","YOUR_PORT");
Подключен клиент.
HTTP Requests
Текущий платеж:
NotificationType --> card-incoming
OperationId --> 753525659460074104
DateTime --> 2020-01-12 01:22
Amount --> 9.70
WithdrawAmount --> 10.00
Firstname --> Oleg
Lastname --> Olegov
Fathersname --> Olegovich
Email --> [email protected]
Phone --> +79957773555
City --> Saint Petersburg
Street --> Begovaya street
Building --> 11
Suite --> 1
Flat --> 43
Zip --> 197374
Sender --> 4100167987654
Unaccepted --> false
Codepro --> false
Currency --> 643
Label --> 560bb09d-5986-38e9-abf8-cl59f21c0bh5
Сервер завершил работу