HITCON-Badge-2018 copied to clipboard
Are there any tools to convert the badge to a real cold wallet that can work with crypto currency apps?
Hi, recently I was thinking about trying out crypto currencies and this hitcon 2018 badge I owned came up in my mind. Are there any ways I can convert my badge into a cold wallet that can work with apps like TRUST that you guys used back in hitcon 2018?
Probably not, even though the code and apps could be easily modified for ETH (Because the token is base on ETH), apple has a strict policy on app store, and we can't submit the app easily. But you can try to develop an app using the same BLE protocol, or even write the code directly on MT7697 to use WiFi to fetch balance/submit transaction. (Which is also possible by using web api, the reason why we decided to use BLE + App is because we can't ensure there will be good WiFi coverage during the event).