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A small, interpretable codebase containing the re-implementation of a few "deep" NLP models in PyTorch. Colab notebooks to run with GPUs. Models: word2vec, CNNs, transformer, gpt.


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A small, interpretable codebase containing the re-implementation of a few "deep" NLP models in PyTorch.

This is presented as an (incomplete) starting point for those interested in getting into the weeds of DL architectures in NLP. Annotated models are presented along with some notes.

There are links to run these models on colab with GPUs :cloud_with_lightning: via notebooks.

Current models: word2vec, CNNs, transformer, gpt. (Work in progress)


BERT: Reading. Comprehending.

Note: These are toy versions of each model.


  • Models
  • Features
  • Endgame
  • Roadmap
  • Setup
  • Structure
  • Requirements
  • Citation
  • License


These NLP models are presented chronologically and, as you might expect, build off each other.

Model Class Model Year
1. Word2Vec Embeddings (Self-Supervised Learning) 2013
2. CNN-based Text Classification (Binary Classification) 2014
3. The O.G. Transformer (Machine Translation) 2017
4. OpenAI's GPT Model (Language Model) 2018, 2019, 2020


This repository has the following features:

  • [ ] model overviews: A brief overview of each model's motivation and design are provided in separate files.
  • [ ] Jupyter notebooks (easy to run on colab w/ GPUs): Jupyter notebooks showing how to run the models and some simple analyses of the model results.
  • [ ] self-contained: Tokenizers, dataset loaders, dictionaries, and all the custom utilities required for each problem.


After reviewing these models, the world's your oyster in terms of other models to explore:

Char-RNN, BERT, ELMO, XLNET, all the other BERTs, BART, Performer, T5, etc....


Future models to implement:

  • [ ] Char-RNN (Kaparthy)
  • [ ] BERT

Future repo features:

  • [ ] Tensorboard plots
  • [ ] Val set demonstrations
  • [ ] Saving checkpoints/ loading models
  • [ ] BPE (from either openai/gpt-2 or facebook's fairseq library)


You can install the repo using pip:

pip install git+ 


Here is a breakdown of the repository:

  • [ ] nlpmodels/models: The model code for each paper.
  • [ ] nlpmodels/utils: Contains all the auxiliary classes related to building a model, including datasets, vocabulary, tokenizers, samplers and trainer classes. (Note: Most of the non-model files are thrown into utils. I would advise against that in a larger repo.)
  • [ ] tests: Light (and by no means comprehensive) coverage.
  • [ ] notebooks: Contains the notebooks and write-ups for each model implementation.

A few useful commands:

  • [ ] make test: Run the full suite of tests (you can also use test and
  • [ ] make test_light: Run all tests except the regression tests.
  • [ ] make lint: If you really like linting code (also can run


Python 3.6+

Here are the package requirements (found in requirements.txt)

  • [ ] numpy==1.19.1
  • [ ] tqdm==4.50.2
  • [ ] torch==1.7.0
  • [ ] datasets==1.0.2
  • [ ] torchtext==0.8.0


  author = {Thompson, Will},
  url = {},
  year = {2020}
