isPaginatedResponseMessage currently catches ALL messages with a field named next_page_token. After some discussion, we figured that should change to messages starting with List or Search and ending with Response, or...
https://github.com/googleapis/api-linter/blob/2aa02dc7978a18afd0eb72aa640c3cd90c932c61/rules/aip0158/aip0158.go#L56 seems wrong- according to https://linter.aip.dev/158/response-plural-first-field it should not fire for anything not named [List|Search]*Response, so that || should be an &&. As it's currently implemented, it puts a global...
I was setting up barnyard2 as per the ubuntu snort guide, and ran into a problem with the following line: output database: log, mysql, user=snort password=MySqlSNORTpassword dbname=snort host=localhost Using a...