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[WFCORE-5679] Generate and export operation
@darranl Just wanted to check with you since you had created WFCORE-5679 - this issue is about introducing new runtime operations for the credential-store
resource. Although it doesn't affect subsystem configuration itself, it does affect documentation. Should we create an RFE to track this?
I think lets get all the pieces together for this first and reassess if we want an RFE. IMO this probably could be an enhancement rather than a full feature.
We should double check we have sufficient tests and we will also need a PR to WildFly for the community documentation.
@lvydra Thanks for working on this! I've added some comments. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Hi @fjuma Thanks for the review, I have updated PR and added some comments.
Core - Full Integration Build 11408 outcome was FAILURE using a merge of 2028ab376c8841ed4a85252f95fa197708da4c3b Summary: Tests failed: 1 (1 new), passed: 3989, ignored: 41 Build time: 01:54:07
Failed tests
org.jboss.as.test.integration.messaging.jms.external.prefix.ExternalJMSDestinationDefinitionMessagingDeploymentTestCase.testSendMessage: java.io.IOException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: HTTP Status 500 Response: <html><head><title>ERROR</title><style>
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hi @lvydra, it looks like errors are related to your changes. Could you take a look?
Hi @yersan, thanks, I will look at it.
Hi @fjuma, I think that the PR should be ready for another round of review :-) All requests should be addressed, the only persisting problem is setAlternatives
validation, which I haven't been able to get working. I have added a custom validation method using alternatives attribute, however, I don't think it's a suitable solution.
Thanks for the updates, @lvydra! I've added some comments.
What is the issue you're running into with setAlternatives
? Is it that it's not actually taking an effect? I wonder if it's because these attributes are only being used for runtime operations.
Hi @fjuma, thanks for the review, I have updated PR. Yes exactly, it doesn't take any effect.
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@lvydra Looks like there's a conflict that now needs to be resolved.
Hello, lvydra. I'm waiting for one of the admins to verify this patch with /ok-to-test in a comment.
Hi @fjuma, thanks, resolved.
@fjuma / @darranl Is there any decision about handling this as an enhancement vs Feature Request? Since there is a user controllable action here, probably it is more inclined to a Feature Request, however, it seems it doesn't change the subsystem configuration, so here are my doubts.
@lvydra Thanks for the updates! Sorry for the delayed response, just catching up after being away for a couple weeks.
Just to check, have you already created a PR against WildFly with the corresponding community documentation?
Hi @fjuma, not yet, I will prepare a documentation update and open PR.
Hi @fjuma, I have opened documentation PR: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/pull/16139
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There has been no activity on this PR for 45 days. It will be auto-closed after 90 days.
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There has been no activity on this PR for 45 days. It will be auto-closed after 90 days.
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There has been no activity on this PR for 45 days. It will be auto-closed after 90 days.
There has been no activity on this PR for 90 days and it has been closed automatically.
There has been no activity on this PR for 45 days. It will be auto-closed after 90 days.