wildan-hyprland copied to clipboard
Beautiful Hyprland
Hyprland with beautiful themes on Arch linux
Wildan Pratama
You need install yay first
Run as user NOT ROOT!
# Before this you need base-devel installed
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-bin
cd yay-bin
makepkg -si
To Install
After yay installed you can clone this repositorie and just run install.sh
git clone https://github.com/wildan-pratama/wildan-hyprland.git
cd wildan-hyprland
Or you can install manualy with this step
Packages base
yay -Syy sddm-git polkit hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git alacritty rofi-lbonn-wayland-git \
swayidle swaybg swaylock-effects-git wl-clipboard mailcap networkmanager-dmenu-git wf-recorder \
bc gtk-engine-murrine xfce-polkit dunst nwg-look xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git qt5-svg \
inetutils pamixer bluez-utils xdg-user-dirs pulsemixer pavucontrol qt5-graphicaleffects hyprland-scratchpad-git \
qt5-quickcontrols2 brightnessctl noto-fonts-main pipewire wireplumber grim slurp jq dunst \
qt5-wayland qt6-wayland pastel networkmanager network-manager-applet noto-fonts-emoji wdisplays swww
Packages gui file, media, and text editor
yay -Syy thunar thunar-archive-pluginfile-roller mpv geany viewnior mpc mpd ncmpcpp
Copy Configuration and stuff
cd wildan-hyprland
sudo cp -r usr /
sudo cp -r etc /
cp -r .config ~/
cp -r .local ~/
cp -r .icons ~/
cp -r .gtkrc-2.0 ~/
- Recommend archinstall with Sway as desktop for base
- Don't forget to enable and set sddm as default display manager
- It’s recommended to uninstall any other portal implementations to avoid conflicts with the -hyprland or -wlr ones. -kde and -gnome are known to cause issues. both -wlr and -hyprland installed at once will also cause conflicts. Choose one and uninstall the other. see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Useful-Utilities/Hyprland-desktop-portal/
yay -Rs xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
Tutorial for Hyprland settings:
- Background handled by swww
- Gtk theme handled by nwg-look
- Filebrowser = Nemo
- Default Terminal-Emulator = alacritty
- Text-Editor = geany/nano
- Bar = Waybar
- Sound = Pulseaudio
Main shortcuts: ~/.config/hypr/keybind.conf
MOD key is set to the WINKEY/LINKEY
- MOD+Return = open terminal
- MOD+W = open Browser (brave)
- MOD+F = open File Manager (nemo)
- MOD+E = open Editor (geany)
- MOD+D= open Launcher (rofi)
- MOD+R = open root menu
On Windows *you can use arrow/hjkl key too
- MOD+Q = close focused app [kill]
- MOD+A/G = send/restore windows from scratchpad
- MOD+SPACE = float window
- MOD+HOLD DOWN = drag floating window
- MOD+↑ ↓ → ← = switch focus respectively
- MOD+Alt+R = submmap/resize window
- MOD+Tab = switch between windows in a floating workspace
- MOD+P = pseudo
- MOD+V = toggle split
- MOD+S = screenshot/bring up screenshot menu
- MOD+PrintScrn = screenrecord/bring up screenrecord menu
- PrintScrn = Quick Screenshot the whole screen and copy to clipboard
- Shift+PrintScrn = Quick Screenshot the whole screen and copy to clipboard without save it to image file
- MOD+X = power-menu
- MOD+N = open network manager
- MOD+M = open mpd controller