flutter_paystack copied to clipboard
:credit_card: A robust Flutter plugin for making payments via Paystack Payment Gateway. Completely supports Android and iOS
error: * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':flutter_paystack:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details
1. Flutter Doctor ```bash [✓] Flutter (Channel beta, 2.13.0-0.2.pre, on macOS 12.3.1 21E258 darwin-x64, locale en-NG) • Flutter version 2.13.0-0.2.pre at /Users/brendan/src/flutter • Upstream repository https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git • Framework revision 8662e22bac...
Hello chief @wilburt... I'm always getting this error anytime i try to run paystack in my flutter app.. I have absolutely no idea what's going on flutter version: 2.10.5 Your...
The confirmation text on the cancel payment modal
Here's the dump from the output. (Flutter 3.0) /C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_paystack-1.0.5+1/lib/src/widgets/sucessful_widget.dart:57:20: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation ' !' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null. - 'WidgetsBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart' ('/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/binding.dart'). WidgetsBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) =>...
Hello, With the new flutter sdk 3.0 flutter_paystack is not working as it is throwing error.
Is there going to be web support in the future
e: /media/trinity/E24E79554E792387/folders/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_paystack-1.0.5+1/android/src/main/kotlin/co/paystack/flutterpaystack/FlutterPaystackPlugin.kt: (48, 62): Type mismatch: inferred type is Activity? but Activity was expected e: /media/trinity/E24E79554E792387/folders/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_paystack-1.0.5+1/android/src/main/kotlin/co/paystack/flutterpaystack/MethodCallHandlerImpl.kt: (19, 37): Type mismatch: inferred type is BinaryMessenger? but BinaryMessenger was expected
Is it possible to transfer funds from paystack account to users bank cards. Like a withdrawal system where users cash out money