ZeroShotEvent copied to clipboard
Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction
Setup Instruction
This repository is built on Theano (=0.8, verifed. Issues may be reported on recent versions), Python 2.7. The environment can be quickly set up by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Model
Step 1
Preprocess Data: remove XML tags from ACE/ERE articles, sentence merging, sentence segmantation and tokenization.
java -jar removeXmlTag.jar [source_path] [source_without_tag_path]
python [source_without_tag_path] [ltf_path] --extension .txt --seg_option nltk+linebreak
java -jar sentenceExtractor.jar [ltf_path] [sent_path] [sent_id_path]
[source_path]: the path for input files (all .sgm files from ACE source corpus)
[source_without_tag_path]: output path after merging sentences and removing xml tags from ACE source articles
[ltf_path]: output path after sentence segmentation and tokenization
[sent_path] [sent_id_path]: output paths for sentences and sentence ids
Step 2
Apply AMR parser (, or to parse each single doc, and get aligned parsing output [amr_parsing_path].
Step 3
Extract event mention structures from AMR parsing outputs
java -jar amrPostProcessing.jar [amr_parsing_path] [sent_id_path] [resource/amrRelationsAnnotated.txt] [resource/frameNetVN.txt] [trigger_structure_file]
[amr_parsing_path]: path of AMR parsing files generated from Step2
[sent_id_path]: path of sentence ids generated from Step1
[resource/amrRelationsAnnotated.txt]: path for resource/amrRelationsAnnotated.txt file
[resource/frameNetVN.txt]: path for resource/frameNetVN.txt file
[trigger_structure_file]: output file containing all event structures extracted from all the input files
Step 4
Apply zero shot trigger extraction model
python --test [trigger_structure_file] --test_result [trigger_prediction_file] --model_path [model_file] --embedding_path [embedding_file] --ontology_path [ontology_file] --norm_ontology_path [normalized_ontology_file] --seen_types [seen_type_file] --relation_path [file_of_amr_relations]
To retrain the model, you can update the arguments in file. The ACE training data can be generated from the data/sample/aceEventStructure.train.format.pos_neg.txt
[trigger_structure_file]: input file containing all event structures generated from Step3
[trigger_prediction_file]: output file containing all event structures and predicted types
[embedding_file]: e.g., data/embedding/wsd.model.ace.filter.txt
[ontology_file]: file with the whole target event ontology, e.g., if you use Framenet+ACE as the target ontology, it should be data/frame-ontology/
[normalized_ontology_file]: e.g., data/frame-ontology/
[seen_type_file]: file with all seen/training types, e.g., data/flags/train.10
[file_of_amr_relations]: file with all meaningful AMR relations, e.g., data/resource/amrRelations.txt
Step 5
Extract candidate arguments
java -jar prepareArgPrediction.jar [amr_parsing_path] [trigger_structure_file] [trigger_prediction_file] [resource/frame-ontology/] [arg_structure_file]
[amr_parsing_path]: path of AMR parsing files generated from Step2
[trigger_structure_file]: path of event structure file generated from Step3
[trigger_prediction_file]: path of trigger prediction file generated from Step4
[resource/frame-ontology/]: path to the file resource/frame-ontology/
[arg_structure_file]: output file containing all argument structures
Step 6
Apply zero shot argument extraction model
python --test [arg_structure_file] --test_result [arg_prediction_file] --model_path [model_file] --embedding_path [embedding_file] --ontology_path [ontology_file] --norm_ontology_path [normalized_ontology_file] --arg_path_file [argument_paths_file] --arg_path_file_universal [universal_argument_paths_file] --trigger_role_matrix [trigger_role_masks] --seen_argss [seen_argument_roles_file] --relation_path [file_of_amr_relations]
[arg_structure_file]: argument structure file generated from Step5
[arg_prediction_file]: output file containing all argument structures and argument role predictions
[argument_paths_file]: list of all event types and argument roles, e.g., data/frame-ontology/event.ontology.args.merge.all.txt
[universal_argument_paths_file]: list of all argument roles shared by all event types, e.g., data/frame-ontology/event.ontology.args.universal.txt
[trigger_role_masks]: matrix to show each event types (index) with all predefined argument roles (index), e.g., data/frame-ontology/
[seen_argument_roles_file]: all seens/training argument roles, e.g., data/flags/train.arg.10
[1] Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Kyunghyun Cho, Clare R Voss. Zero-shot transfer learning for event extraction, Proc. ACL, 2018