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A chat formatting plugin for LuckPerms.
Is there any method i can get realtime to chat ? like some placeholder for time ?
I plugin is not working with deluxe tags
Hello I have tried the [EmojiPedia](https://mcmodels.net/products/11107/emojipedia-custom-pixel-emojis) and [PixelEmojis](https://mcmodels.net/products/11107/emojipedia-custom-pixel-emojis) custom packs it doesn't work basically the plugin doesnt support custom packs yet, I have install it with my [Oraxen](https://polymart.org/resource/oraxen.629) plugin, can...
I using custom font from texture pack an chat is laging how can i fix this
Im using airplane 1.17.1 mc server https://prnt.sc/M1Nx-z4CyZJX Hex Color Not good work always looking purple Config Settings: mimar: ":mimar: &r&6{name} &8▸&r &f{message}" and mimar: ":mimar: &rAB8CA{name} &8▸&r &f{message}"
The placeholder '{message}' is not being overwritten by colors on latest version. {message-color}, &c, and hex colors do not effect this issue at all.
You guys should add support for bungeecord servers using LPB
the most recent version is not compatible with 1.20.1
Add the ability to enable and disable the global chat (G) and local chat (L) This will be extremely useful in comparison with other plugins that do not know how...