FaceRecognition icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FaceRecognition copied to clipboard

If new face came it showing others name

Open sandip-narwade opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

Hello Sir, I am working on your app. When New face came in front of camera its showing old name that is already saved last time.

sandip-narwade avatar Mar 20 '18 07:03 sandip-narwade

Can you elaborate more?

wihoho avatar Mar 20 '18 16:03 wihoho

hello, I import this project in maven way, after done, it throws an error to me, As follows:"The method builder() is undefined for the type Trainer", I site the error point is:

Trainer trainer = Trainer.builder()
                .metric(new CosineDissimilarity())

I found the original class, found you use the "@Builder" annotation to the "Trainer" class, but it shows that this annotation is deprecated, that is a warning, but why the test class throws me an error, I tried some solutions, not working! Can you help me?

AUGUSTRUSH8 avatar Mar 26 '18 14:03 AUGUSTRUSH8

Please refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41161076/adding-lombok-plugin-to-intellij-project

wihoho avatar Mar 26 '18 16:03 wihoho

Also, I have updated the README.md to include how to set up lombok.

wihoho avatar Mar 26 '18 16:03 wihoho