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XML-RPC lib for Qt
libmaia is a easy-to-use XML-RPC library for Qt!
compiling libmaia
Qt Datatypes
Allowed types for Argument and Return Values:
C++/Qt-Types XMLRPC-Types
* int <int></int>
* qint64 <long></long> (non standard)
* bool <bool></bool>
* double <double></double>
* QString <string></string>
* QDateTime <datetime.iso8601></datetime.iso8601>
* ByteArray <base64></base64>
* QVariant <nil/> (non standard)
* QVariantMap <struct></struct>
* QVariantList <array></array>
using libmaia
qmake: your Project file (.pro) should contain
INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/libmaia LIBS += /path/to/libmaia/libmaia.a QT += xml network
in your header file include
#include "maiaXmlRpcClient.h"
and / or
#include "maiaXmlRpcServer.h"
create object
MaiaXmlRpcServer *server = new MaiaXmlRpcServer(8080, this);
MaiaXmlRpcClient *client = new MaiaXmlRpcClient(QUrl("http://localhost:8080/RPC2"), this);
register a method
your method has to be a Qt Slot.
// example method: QString MyClass::myMethod(int param1, QString param2) { if(param1 > 5) return param2; else return "not bigger than 5"; } // register it: // "example.methodName" <- used to identify the method over xml-rpc // this <- pointer to the class which contains the method you would export // "myMethod" the name of the method server->addMethod("example.methodName", this, "myMethod");
call a method
when calling a method you need three things:
- a Slot for the MethodResponse
- a Slot for the FaultResponse
- a QVariantList containig the arguments for the RPC-Method
example code:
void MyClientClass::myResponseMethod(QVariant &arg) { // do something with the arg } void MyClientClass::myFaultResponse(int error, const QString &message) { qDebug() << "An Error occoured, Code: " << error << " Message: " << message; } QVariantList args; args << 5; args << "second argument"; rpcClient->call("example.methodName", args, this, SLOT(myResponseMethod(QVariant&)), this, SLOT(myFaultResponse(int, const QString &)));