ipyaggrid copied to clipboard
Data of edited cells disappear after a couple of seconds
Dear widgetti,
thank you for your ag-grid python package.
I noticed that after some seconds (10-20 seconds) a simple grids cell's edits are overwritten with .grid_data_in
from ipyaggrid import Grid
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["test1","test2","test3"])
for i in range(10):
df.loc[len(df)] = pd.Series(dtype='float64')
grid_options = {
'columnDefs' : [{'headerName':c,'field': c} for c in df.columns],
'rowSelection': 'multiple',
'enableRangeSelection': True,
'defaultColDef': {'editable': True},
g1 = Grid(grid_data=df,grid_options=grid_options,sync_on_edit=True,sync_grid=True,theme='ag-theme-balham',columns_fit='auto',index=False)
reproduces the issue. Is there something one can do about it. Is this related to #38 ? Thank you for your help :).
Best Micha