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Presentation and exercises for the Software Sustainability Institute Research Data Visualisation Workshop (RDVW)

README.md - 2016-07-28_manchester_datavis

This repository contains files for the Python hands-on session of the Software Sustainability Institute Research Data Visualisation Workshop (RDVW) at the University of Manchester, 28th July 2016.

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These exercises borrow heavily and adapt or use material from several excellent sources, including:

If you recognise some of this content and are not acknowledged here, please let me know and I will correct that! I don't think I'm in breach of any copyright or licensing, but if you notice any such breaches please let me know and I will rectify as soon as is possible.


One-variable, continuous data

  • one_variable_continuous.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Generating randomly-distributed example data
  • Representing one-dimensional continuous-valued data with histograms, KDE plots, and rug plots
  • Using matplotlib and seaborn libraries
  • Presenting arrays of images
  • Use of figure() and subplots() 1D continuous data example

Two-variable, continuous x, y data

  • continuous_x_continuous_y.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Representing two-dimensional continuous x and y data using matplotlib and seaborn libraries
  • Use of figure() and subplots
  • Annotating plots with text
  • Working with long and wide form DataFrames in pandas
  • Using statistical overlays and seaborn's statistical plots

continuous x, y data example

Grammar of Graphics

  • grammar_of_graphics.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the Grammar of Graphics
  • Use the Grammar of Graphics with the ggplot module to produce plots from aesthetics and geometric representations.
  • Use layers to produce new visualisations specifically to suit your data, showing data and statistical summaries
  • Use multi-panel figures to display complex datasets

grammar of graphics example

Imaging 2D arrays, colormaps, and 3D surface plots

  • colormaps_surfaces_netcdf.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Read and use NetCDF format data using Python
  • Visualise array data as a heatmap/image
  • Explore array data visualisation with a range of colour palettes, and understand how selection and normalisation of colour palettes can influence the interpretation of data
  • Visualise 2D array data as a 3D surface plot
  • Explore the application and influence of colour palettes and lighting effects on the interpretation of 3D surface plots

3D surface plot

Interactive map with bokeh

  • interactive_bokeh_map.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Import and process shapefile GIS data using pyshp
  • Import public .csv (electoral) data using pandas
  • Render GIS boundary data in an interactive bokeh plot
  • Colour geospatial data by results in an interactive bokeh plot

interactive map screenshot

Making movies with matplotlib and seaborn

  • making_movies.ipynb

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand matplotlib's animation functionality
  • Generate animations using FuncAnimation
  • Generate line graph and bubble plot animations

bubble chart screenshot