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Stack creation fails, then cleanup fails as well
I'm trying this for the first time, and the creation process fails. There's 2 pending tasks, create SidekiqService and CreateCertificate, it looks like creating the sidekiq service triggers a circuitbreaker and that causes CloudFormation to delete the stacks. It leaves the hosted zone and alb with a "deletion failed".
I can manually clean it up by deleting some records in the hosted zone and an S3 bucket.
Not sure how to troubleshoot this, best I found was some logs with a ruby error about a table not existing. mastodon_on_aws.csv
I was using us-east-1 but saw other people had issues with that region so then I tried us-west-2 with the same result, several times.
If there's any more info I could provide or any hints I'm all ears.
EDIT: I went ahead an registered a domain with Route53, so that the entire stack would be controlled by AWS, including DNS and registrar and attempted to deploy. Same result. Cert and Sidekiq never finish and the stack goes into rollback, fails to clean itself up. I'm more concerned that it doesn't start a Mastodon service than the cleanup.
Is this just an issue I'm having? Is this working for everyone else?
@nleskiw Could you please share the logs from the web service/container?
I've pulled the latest changes and tried this again:
These are the logs from the Sidekiq service that dies and triggers the rollback/deletion:
I don't see anything named "web service / container" in the CF Stack, can you be more specific about which logs you're interested in?
Here's what I see in the CF Stack:
Alb AlbAccessLogBucket Alerting Bucket Cache Certificate ClientSg CloudFront Cluster Database Dkim1Record Dkim2Record Dkim3Record EmailIdentity EmailUser EmailUserAccessKey HostedZone HttpListener Key LambdaLogGroup LambdaPolicy LambdaRole Record Redirect S3Policy ScheduledTask Secret SidekiqService SmtpPasswordConverter SmtpPasswordConverterLamdaFunction Vpc
Not sure which of these is the web service / container. Perhaps the Sidekiq container is starting before the web container and that's why it can't find the DB table it's looking for?
I believe this may be ultimately why Sidekiq dies:
2024-04-11T19:48:04.280Z pid=7 tid=5en WARN: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "users" does not exist
LINE 9: WHERE a.attrelid = '"users"'::regclass
@nleskiw That's a good point. I've made a small fix. See v0.20.1