Bump, i still do not get this working :(
Hi guys, i suggest [Nx.dev](https://nx.dev) for the mono-repo tool. Its really smooth and we have been using it in production for quite some time now
Hi, so after readin up a bit at [lerna-to-nx](https://blog.nrwl.io/why-you-should-switch-from-lerna-to-nx-463bcaf6821) found out that lerna is optimized for opensource and nx for organization mono-repo so i am guessing if its going to...
Hi, would you want to pitch in? I have tried it once and also ran into another problem where webpack was upgraded to 5 in nx 13 and had to...
Hi you want to debug plugin itself or you code calling the plugin? and which command do you want to debug specifically?
i have to look into tsconfig requirement, however the stats.json is a valid point. We can check both to have backward compatibility :) ...
looked into it quickly, we could make a regex expression for stats.json and remove tsconfig entirely ans you suggest :D
Could you try 1.1.2 and see? We already moved out of beta