sysfetch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sysfetch copied to clipboard

A super tiny system information fetch script written in BASH


A super tiny system information fetch script written in BASH

Installing from package manager:

+ Arch Linux -

 sysfetch is installable from the AUR as sysfetch-git

How to Use:

run sysfetch

Pulling sysfetch from GitHub:

Clone the repository

#git clone -b master --single-branch

How to Use:

Change directory into the folder

#cd sysfetch

Execute script

#bash sysfetch


Fork this repository, then clone this branch from your fork

# git clone -b alpha --single-branch<user>/sysfetch alpha_sysfetch

Stage and commit your changes with a relevant message and link to issue # if fix, like:

# git add .

# git commit -m "test; fix issue #3"

Push your changes and then create a pull request to merge from your fork to this repository

# git push


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