crowd-written-novel copied to clipboard
Restructured a bit to make more sense.
- Added a new section to help with selecting next story pull.
- Changed "I started with..." as was no longer relevant, and added a link to the
- General restructuring
Oh, btw, you may want to just refactor much of this out into, which is a standard github file for how to contribute.
I'm not crazy for the idea of voting based on the number of commentors. What if the comments are negative? Maybe the number of commentors who say that they want the pull request to be added?
This methodology would make people shy from writing a bunch of negative comments. Also, it's very easy to scan through and make sure it was supportive conversation, and not negativity.
I very much agree with you, but my intrest is clearing up that "gray" area. For instance, a hypothetical troll may post something inflamatory which would get many negative comments. However, someone could mistake those comments for constructive critisizm. The opposite thing could happen, too, where constructive critisizm is misinterpreted as hostility. How do you suggest we deal with this?
@n-r I've got an idea, although it might be a bit to grand. What if we enforce all comments to be prefixed with either a +1 or -1, to denote negativity/positivity, that way there is no ambiguity. Maybe even add a 0 to denote no opinion (And we assume all comments without these are 'no opinion'). If we got people to do this, we could write a bot that reads the most recent commits and finds the ones with the most positive feedback, thus automating merging and making counting votes easier.
+1, @tanishalfelven, that is a splendid idea. Could I suggest losing the one and just beginning each comment with "+" or "-" to denote positivity and negativity, respectively? Any comment without a prefix would be considered neutral. I don't have the experience and expertise to write such a bot. Can anyone else help out with this?
I'm sure I could do it, although I wouldn't have time until the weekend. I'll write it open source, and throw it into Heroku or something.